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연구 분야

알고리즘 설계, 조합 최적화, 근사 알고리즘, 온라인 알고리즘, 이론 컴퓨터과학, 최적화 기법 응용

주요 경력

2016.03~현재: 부교수, 연세대학교
2012.08~2016.01: 스위스 EPFL 박사후연구원
2002.01~2005.02: 아이큐브(주) 프로그래머

주요 학술활동

Served as a local co-organizer for AAAC 2019.

Served as a referee for the following journals: Journal of the ACM, Mathematical Programming, SIAM Journal on Computing, ACM Transactions on Algorithms, Mathematics of Operations Research, Mathematical Programming, Algorithmica, SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, Operations Research, Journal of Discrete Algorithms, European Journal of Operational Research, Management Science, Operations Research Letters, Computational Geometry: Theory and Applications, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization.

Served as a subreviewer for the following conferences: STOC, FOCS, IPCO, SODA, ICALP, APPROX, ESA, SoCG, ISAAC, COCOON, STACS, CiE, SWAT, WADS.

A current member of the following academic societies: ACM, ACM SIGACT, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society.

주요 수상

2021.02: 연세대학교 우수강의교수상

2019.12: 한국정보화진흥원 공로상

2019.12: 한국정보과학회 KSC 2019 최우수논문상

2016.10: 오카와 재단 Research Grant Award

2013.10: INFORMS George Nicholson Student Paper Competition Finalist

2012.09: Cornell 대학교 컴퓨터과학과 Departmental Best Thesis Award

2006.02: 서울대학교 최우수상

2001.03: ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest World Finals 은메달(팀)